

With an incredible product receiving little by way of recognition in recent years, The Savile Row Bespoke Association was formed in 2004 through an alliance of five like-minded houses – Anderson & Sheppard,  Dege & Skinner, Gieves & Hawkes, H. Huntsman & Sons and Henry Poole & Co. – tailors which understood the need for a trade association capable of safeguarding Savile Row’s unique standards.

Today, the SRBA has twenty-two member and associate member houses, who work together to protect and champion this understanding of bespoke tailoring and to promote the ingenious craftsmen that comprise the community of Savile Row.

We work closely with the SRBA to ensure our fabrics are not only of an appropriate standard, but that they too are innovatory. We work upon the feedback of the SRBA, producing ever more engaging and elevated cloths whilst still using appropriate traditional methods.