Passionate about our cloth

In 126 years, our passion has never changed. We value quality and attention to detail above all else.

We are proud to have used these rare skills here in the heart of Yorkshire, to design and manufacture a range of exceptional cloth

Our Process

Our designers have captured the spirit and heritage of centuries of weaving and have brought a thoroughly modern interpretation to the elegant classics worn by true gentleman the world over. We are proud to have used these rare skills here in the heart of Yorkshire, to design and manufacture a range of exceptional cloth.

How did we start?

In 1896, Henry Percy and Frederick Herbert Dugdale established their cloth merchants business in Huddersfield, the centre of Britain’s fine worsted industry.

Dugdale remained in the family for two generations, through prosperous times and perilous war years until it was later acquired by Keith Charnock and now chairman Rob Charnock.